Building Biology WA ~ Emma Smith

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Emma Smith is certified as a Mould Testing Technician and EMF Testing Technician.

She has extensive knowledge in all areas of building biology, having worked as a technical report writer and on-site assessor with Building Biology WA since early 2019, and is currently in the process of completing the Advanced Diploma in Building Biology.

Being a mother of a child living with mould and other allergies, Emma has experienced first-hand how hard it can be to find answers to environmental sensitivities, and is eager to assist other individuals and families who are looking to find solutions that work for them.

Emma has a particular interest in mould and is keen to share her knowledge and educate people on ways they can unburden the body, so that they can live the best life they can.


  • Mould Testing Technician

  • EMF Testing Technician

Servicing: Perth and regional Western Australia

Phone: 0409 115 628


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