CPD ~ Continual Professional Development

The ASBB Mission is to ensure that any member of the public that contacts a Building Biologist through the ASBB has a right to expect a high level of service that meets best practice standards.

This also enables members to plan for and to accumulate the necessary points each year regardless of geographical location and to enable a broad selection of options to accommodate members’ needs.


  1. Save the form to your computer with a year date reference e.g., ASBB CPD Smith_C 2017-2018

  2. Enter your name and address at the top of the page

  3. If your address, email, business name or phone number has changed in the last 12 months, enter all new details

  4. As you complete Formal Learning, Informal Learning or Practical Skills training enter the hours after completion. It is not recommended to leave it until the end of your membership year to do this, whilst trying to remember everything you have done.

  5. Regarding study or training that continues from one year to the next, only record the hours completed in the current year

  6. Keep a record of your training course etc., even though it is not required to be submitted it must available for reference if required at a later date

  7. Submit the CPD Record Form to the Membership Officer via email prior to the renewal date, with your Renewal and notification of payment

  8. If you have any trouble understanding the recording of CPD hours refer to the FAQ's below


Why is CPD mandatory?

Continuing Professional Development is generally regarded as a part of best practice in any professional life.

The ASBB considers that by maintaining the level of CPD points yearly the practitioners ensure they maintain, increase and improve their competence, expertise, skills and knowledge to best serve themselves and the broader community.

How many CPD points do I need to obtain?

30 CPD points are required yearly and apply to all practicing and non-practicing members of the ASBB.

I have accrued excess CPD points in 1 membership year, can any be carried over?

If you have an excess of points in one membership year these can now be rolled over to the next membership year to a maximum of 10 CPD points.

 What Activities Qualify for CPD?

The activities are broken down into formal, informal & practical learning. An excel spreadsheet has been created in order for these points to be added and calculated easily with an example record provided.

Attendance at events such as lifestyle and medicine conferences and wellness or wellbeing expos is recognised as educational and informative in two ways. As formal learning and practical application of building biology skills when informing the public about the hazards in the built environment and the role ASBB play in meeting professional standards.

What if I am Unsure if Activities Qualify for CPD?

If you are planning on attending a conference/event/activity and are unsure whether it would be considered relevant to CPD points accumulation and it is not listed in the CPD Guidelines or Record then please contact the membership officer at membership@asbb.org.au to confirm prior to attendance if in doubt.


I live in a rural area and can’t always attend events & seminars. What other activities and help me accrue my 30 CPD points?

The ASBB Continuing Professional Development Guidelines incorporates flexibility into how the points are accrued to assist with this. All ASBB Training Days and webinars are now recorded and these can be viewed online and quiz questions answered which accrue CPD as referred to in CPD Guidelines.

Types of activities that allow members to participate regardless of where they reside are webinars, recordings of training day, providing case studies, answering approved paper quizzes, being a committee member and attending meetings.

Points accrued for watching online videos and completing a quiz:

Video of 1 hour = 1 point (1/2 hour = .5)

Completing a quiz = 1 point

Writing a quiz submitted for CPD = 2 points

I became a Practitioner Member half way through the year, how many points do I need?

For new members moving from a student to a Practitioner Membership these points will be accumulated on a pro-rata basis, as is the membership fee.

What are my Record Keeping Responsibilities?

Completion of the Continuing Professional Development Record is required each year upon renewal of membership. Suitable evidence is required to be retained with individual’s own records and copies can be shown if requested. The types of evidence may include such things as certificates, receipts, and answers to questions. It is suggested to keep as much evidence as possible that can easily be produced.

What is the best way to complete a CPD Record Form?

The CPD Record Form is an Excel document which tallies your points when entered in each column. It is best to enter your area of study/training/practical up-skilling as you complete it. It is much harder to remember at the end of each year. This document is available from the Membership Officer via email. A PDF of the CPD Record Form is also available which can be downloaded if you prefer to fill in by hand.

Are there some instructions to complete CPD Record Form?

 Yes. A guide is linked HERE

Purchasing Reference Materials

Reference materials such as books, DVDs and other reference materials must be done within the financial year, unless the member is using excess accumulated points from the previous membership year. Evidence of purchase of these materials is required to be kept.

How long do records need to be kept for?

Evidence of completed CPD needs to be retained for a minimum of 5 years and should be shown upon request. 

What happens if I cannot meet ASBB CPD requirements?

If a member is unable to meet the ASBB CPD requirements their membership may not be renewed and their details will be removed from the website. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Committee of Management.

What if I am a Non-Practicing Member?

All Non-Practicing Members of the association as per the ASBB Membership Policy are still required to complete their yearly CPD points.  If you feel that this is not viable you may want to consider becoming an associate member until you are practicing again, this however does not allow for you to vote. Before becoming a practicing member again you will need to show the relevant 30 CPD points to rejoin.

What if I still have more questions?

If you still have questions relating to CPD points that have not been answered in the ASBB Continuing Professional Development Guidelines, CPD Record or this document please contact the ASBB Membership Officer at membership@.asbb.org.au, and they will be happy to assist you.



Click here to download the form: