Spectral Design ~ Marco Simeoni


Marco is a qualified electrician who has worked on some of the largest scale electrical grid developments in Melbourne. He is the co-founder of Spectral Design focusing on comprehensive EMF testing, solutions and healthy EMF building design.

Marco’s passion is creating new solutions and assessing all aspects of the non-native EMF’s, electric fields, magnetic fields, radio frequencies, and dirty electricity and the spectrum our home lighting and it’s impacts on the body.

As a chronic illness sufferer himself, Marco understands what it means to be constantly trying to find new answers and taking a holistic approach to wellbeing. It is this drive that meant Marco was able to recover and return to work within a renewed sense of purpose. For this reason, he is now focused on EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields) and mitigating the harmful exposures to this hazard that affects us all.


  • Electrician

  • EMF Testing Technician (ACES Statement of Attainment)



  • National, State and Regional areas; VIC, NSW, QLD, SA


Phone: 0438 568 252

Email: marco@spectraldesign.com.au