
Here's how you can get the support you need:

Your Monthly Newsletter

Each month we release our Newlsetter to members. Here you will receive the latest information on research and what is happening in our Building Biology community

Find our latest issues here:

The ASBB Facebook & Instagram Community

A goal of the ASBB is to arm our members with information and support - we aim to continue posting events, information and support on this page:

Also, Practitioner Members are invited to join our Practitioner page where you can join our growing, experienced Practitioner Members in sharing ideas, give suggestions and pose questions you might need answering! This link will be sent to you when you join. For further info contact

There is also a Building Biology Graduates Facebook page run by ACES, and you can ask Nicole Bijlsma to join this

Need Some Tech or Admin Support?

If you're looking for how to update your billing, you can do that by contacting or calling Dianne Elson our Membership Officer on 07 4723 4103

You can also try Nicole Beringer (Secretary) or Senri Oiso for additional support


Where do I start?

You can follow the site tour here:

How do I login?

Once you received your email invitation, you should have been given the chance to create your own password. There will always be a Member Login at the bottom of the page, which will tell you if you’re logged in or not, and you can also log out here.